我在看什么 · 2024年3月 - 2025年3月



  • Readwise Reader的每周Wisread订阅
  • 我的Miniflux RSS Reed订阅源
  • 好友推荐的文章
  • 某些推特1上关注的博主推荐的书


  • Do Quests, Not Goals
    • 我不知道怎么翻译这个Quest比较好,感觉Focumn里面的理念跟这篇文章里面提到的蛮像的
  • Find your own axis | thesephist.com

    Career isn’t a flat ordered list of professions where you rank things by how much success each profession signifies, and then pick the one closest to the top

  • Remove Labels | Cheng-Wei Hu

    Labels can manifest as tangible symbols, such as shirt logos, or intangible terms that we or society assign to us, like being called “smart” or “cool”. And beyond serving as outward signals, labels also resonate internally, influencing our actions through our natural tendency.

    We draw an unnecessary line for our behavior and potential because we label ourselves as a “non-math” person.

    To embrace complete freedom and follow our intrinsic curiosity, we should remove unnecessary labels until we can completely ignore them. While labels can be useful, we should be wary of their subconscious influence. We must choose our labels carefully and consciously.

  • Inside the Toolkit: PKM App Essentials - by Renee De Four
  • Stop Worrying & Start Doing: A Simple Way to Organize Your Tasks - YouTube
    • 一天最好不要多于7个task(保持5~7个比较合适)
    • 以最难的task开始(有点像highlight里面提到的), 然后隐藏其他任务,先专注最重要的
    • 完成后可以从之后的task list 里面挑选
  • Putting Ideas into Words

    I’m saying is that however much you learn from exploring ideas in other ways, you’ll still learn new things from writing about them. The reason I’ve spent so long establishing this rather obvious point is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and mord f x de complete, then no one who hasn’t written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anything nontrivial

  • Growth Without Goals - Colossus
  • The Art of Finishing | ByteDrum
    我很喜欢这篇文章,作者分析的那些我们挖坑又不填的心态分析得很到位,一个未完成的项目是“充满希望的”“有吸引力的”,但完成了的,就要接受审判。还有每次继续填坑的时候总是先升级一些包的版本,解决新出现的兼容问题,做了一大堆之后发现功能上什么都没做,总是重构再重构……然后未完成的项目也会成为一个越背越重的心理包袱。距离我第一次读这篇文章已经过去三个月了,但我还是印象很深刻。 https://usc1.contabostorage.com/cc0b816231a841b1b0232d5ef0c6deb1:image/2024/12/c6f10d5d104fb95f6eafdc2ca095282e.png
  • 语言学习: 自学德语这半年


  • Pmarchive · How to hire the best people you’ve ever worked with

    If you can’t find anything – if a candidate has just followed the rules their whole lives, showed up for the right classes and the right tests and the right career opportunities without achieving something distinct and notable, relative to their starting point – then they probably aren’t driven.

    One way to test for an aspect of ethics – honesty – is to test for how someone reacts when they don’t know something. Pick a topic you know intimately and ask the candidate increasingly esoteric questions until they don’t know the answer. They’ll either say they don’t know, or they’ll try to bullshit you. Guess what. If they bullshit you during the hiring process, they’ll bullshit you once they’re onboard.

  • Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts 读完这篇文章后我开始写工作日志了。工作日志能在切换任务时保留一些context。(但是我现在又不写了 )

    Write notes of what you’re doing and what you’re thinking. When you drop the pen and get back at it, read the last bit. That’s it.

    I guess that’s kind of it: if you’re having trouble switching between things or getting focused, try writing what you’re doing, and read the last couple sentences when you resume. Maybe it will help you. Maybe it won’t. Or maybe I’m an idiot who needs crutches. But hey, who knows!

  • Notes for new hires | Clinton Blackburn
    通过这篇文章学到了friction log的这种东西,感觉很有用,但是我没写过

    The idea is simple: take note of all the things—not just product-related—that are causing you trouble.

  • 关于Feature Factory:

  • Slop is Good • furbo.org

  • Hot Potato Routing | 卡瓦邦噶!

    维基百科中说,Hot Potato Routing 是大部分运营商的路由策略。Hot-potato routing (or “closest exit routing”) is the normal behavior generally employed by most ISPs. 每个人都在用最自私的策略来降低自己的工作量,但是却让全局的工作量增加了,自己的工作量实际上也是增加了的,整体的服务质量却降低了——用户的请求需要绕得更远才能到达目标。 这不就是很多大公司的工作方式吗? 大公司给每个人规定了 KPI(就不提 OKR 了,OKR 在大部分公司的实践其实就是 KPI)。收到新的任务,每个人做的最优选择就是把和 KPI 不相关的工作「转发」出去。

  • Agile vs Introverts - Event-Driven.io






  • 如何使用 Bitsy : Claire Morwood 给所有人的 Bitsy 游戏制作教程 A Bitsy Tutorial (2017)
  • 像「发微博」一样做游戏,低代码如何颠覆游戏产业-36氪

    他认为这是 Bitsy 作为游戏工具最特殊的地方,在于功能简单的同时最大限度保留了创作者和游戏玩家沟通的通道,这种技术平民化特质能将沟通变得更加高效,这才吸引到诗人、小说家、幻想故事爱好者的青睐,他们可以不关注游戏建模、画面性甚至是流程长短。


    「在 Itch.io 平台(Bitsy 游戏发布的主要平台)寻找游戏更像是走进一个社区艺术画廊而不是一家商店,任何人都可以被邀请展示他们的作品,为更多样化的开发团队开放场地,而免费游戏的激增使人们不再认为这是一个纯粹的交易空间——你可以为了探索而探索。」




  • 《软技能》
  • 《马可瓦尔多》
  • 《金阁寺》
  • 《经济学的思维方式》
  • 漫画
    • 《去唱卡拉OK吧》
    • 《女校之星》
    • 《迷宫饭》
  • 小说:
    • 《如何阻止男主发疯》


  1. 为什么不叫X?嗯……我不喜欢。
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